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The Lych Gate and Telephone Kiosk

The Lych Gate, War Memorial and Defibrillators.

Published: 12 November 2023


Programme from the Blessing

Purchased by public subscription in the 1920s, the village lych gate, managed and maintained by the Parish Council, forms a picturesque entrance to the church yard. Who knows how many happy couples have been pictured beneath it? On a more sombre note, the lych gate is also the village’s war memorial. The area of setts leading to the gate is likewise managed by the Parish Council, which allows the parking of cars, at the owner’s risk, in a relaxed and fairly unregulated manner.

Occasionally, with permission, restrictions are applied for certain uses such as in the case of a funeral.

The oak bearers need to be replaced. The Council is currently seeking the Archdeacon’s permission for the repairs to take place as the lych gate, because although it is owned by the Council, it is situated on church land.


K6 kiosk with defibrillator

The red telephone box, being a listed building on account of its rare crest above the door, is quite an unusual sight these days. As a listed building it remained the responsibility of BT to maintain it removing the onus of potentially expensive repairs from the Council.

However, when an individual from outside the village applied to BT to buy it, the Clerk stepped in and persuaded her that it was such a part of the village’s landscape and heritage that it should be owned by the Council. The lady withdrew her application and the Council bought it.

The Council realised that the defibrillator which used to be on the Village Hall wall was not easily accessible during the day when the children were in school so with a grant from the NECCP, it arranged to move it into the phone box.

A second defibrillator, more accessible to those residents who live at the northern end of the village,  is situated on the wall of the former Green Close Church at the junction of Green Close and Shrigley Road.

Both defibrillators are maintained by the Council.


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