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Parish Council

Published: 12 November 2023

Pott Shrigley Parish Council

The Parish Council is a democratically elected body, which plays an important role at the lowest level of local government, directly representing and promoting the interests of its community. It serves an electorate of around 240 parishioners and has seven councillors under the Chairmanship of Cllr. David Basford. For names and contact details go to the ‘Councillors’ page. The Parish Council employs a Clerk, Mrs Joyce Burton, to carry out its business and ensure the many statutory requirements on the Parish Council are met. Key information about the Council and its activities can be found on this website. If you need other information please contact the Parish Clerk on 01625 572668 or email her at

Of course, a lot of statutory duties are provided by Cheshire East Borough Council and the Council, part of the Poynton and Pott Shrigley ward is supported by the two borough councillors. contact numbers are listed below.


The Annual Parish Meeting, to which all villagers are invited, is held in May. Its purpose is to celebrate recent local activities, debate current issues affecting the community and raise concerns.



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